Tuesday, March 08, 2005

IceCasting Wrapup

First of all, thank you to everyone who participated in this experiment, whether it was by posting an entry, leaving an audio comment or simply by visiting it! I definitely think that the idea has merit and there are several things that I will be doing differently for the next incarnation.

Every I spoke to was intruiged by the idea nad could see potential uses for it. However, several factors contributed to the fact that it was used more. Primary among them was the simple fact that the site was not prepared until 2am the night before the conference began! If people don't know about it, they can't participate! If I'm able to attend NECC this year, I'll try to have a system in place much sooner and attempt to contact the people running the conference to try to get some official support. David Jakes was kind enough to allow me to plug the site at the end of his presentation. Perhaps other presenters could simply add a note in the last slide of their PowerPoint directing people to the site.

Something else that I learned was that I need to build in some sort of a verification link for email entries. The site did got put on to a spam list, so I've been busy deleting those posts. Having a link for people to click on before entries actually went live would probably eliminate that problem entirely.

Two of us used the audio comments feature. One thing I would definitely do differently there is to find a different service for the audio portion. I was disappointed by the quality of it, but the number of numbers to punch in before you could leave a message made it rather difficult.

On the whole, I think it was a very successful 'alpha', I definitely learned quite a bit from the experience and intend to pursue it further. If you'd like to contact me about it, you send a message to sdembo {}at{} gmail {}dot{} com.

Thanks to everyone who joined me in this little experiment! See you at the next conference!


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