Monday, February 28, 2005

What in the world is IceCasting?

IceCasting is an experiment in MobCasting, an idea that Andy Carvin has been exploring lately. The Illinois Technology Conference for Educators (IL-TCE) will be held in St. Charles from March 1 through March 4 and I thought this might be an interesting way to extend the learning.

Everyone loves attending conferences. There's something about being surrounded by your colleagues and being exposed to new ideas at every turn that really just gets people jazzed up about technology, teaching, and education in general. This blog is a way to capture that feeling and share it with other people. It's a place to capture those ideas that you just can't wait to take back to your school, or make you think differently about the way you're doing things now.

If you experienced something at ICE and want to share it with people, there's two ways that you can do so. Send an email to, and the entire text of the email will be instantly posted here. You can also attach photos to the emails if you'd like to! If you'd like to leave an audio comment, simply call 1-661-716-BLOG (2564), use 555-555-5555 for the login and then enter 2005 as your pincode. Leave a message and your audio comment will be posted directly to the blog!

So in between sessions, if you feel inspired, pick up your cell phone and give the number a call. Share what you've seen or heard that inspired you with everyone else. Please feel free to pass this information on to anyone else attending the conference.

If you happen to use Flickr, then tag your ICE photos with ICE2005. I'll be adding a feed to the sidebar that will grab all of our communal photos that way.

Enjoy the conference and share your experiences!